Located on the first floor is our newest exhibition: The Threads of her History. The collection of Borgarfjörður folk museum is in the foreground of this exhibition, along with several works from the Borgarnes Art Museum. The exhibition brings to light beautiful and elaborate artifacts, many with an interesting story behind them – in an environment in which the guests of the exhibition are invited to participate. We hope that our guests will feel the desire to view the exhibition more than once and even see something new every time they visit. The exhibition presents 58 numbered textile objects owned by Borgarfjörður Folk Museum, including an entire collection of embroidery objects, with at least 25 objects within the exhibition.
Curator is Katrín Jóhannesdóttir, textile teacher at Hússtjórnarskólinn Reykjavík (School of Home Management in Reykjavík).
Entry is free and open to everyone.
Opening hours:
Summer (May – August) Monday to Friday: 1 – 6 PM. | Saturday: 11 AM – 3 PM.
Winter (September – April): Monday to Friday 1 – 6 PM
Other opening hours according to pre-arrangement for groups.
Borgarnes Museum (Safnahús Borgarfjarðar), Bjarnarbraut 4-6, +433 7200 – safnahus@safnahus.is, www.safnahus.is, Borgarnes Center.
Exhibitions in Borgarnes Museum are for everyone, kids as well as grownups.
Open May-August every day 1-5 p.m, winter opening hours week days 1-4 p.m.
Other opening hours according to pre-arrangement for groups.
Library: open weekdays all year round 1-6 p.m.
Borgarnes Museum (Safnahús Borgarfjarðar), Bjarnarbraut 4-6, +433 7200 – safnahus@safnahus.is, www.safnahus.is, Borgarnes Center.